In “Saving Scruffy,” Randy Katz tells a heartwarming and encouraging story about Scruffy, a rescue dog, and his timeless journey to find a forever home. Saving Scruffy is a book that will resonate with readers of all ages...We hope that Scruffy's journey will inspire everyone to make a difference and never give up on their dreams.”
— Randy Katz, Author FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, April 7, 2023/ -- Saving Scruffy, an inspiring and uplifting children's book about a special rescue dog's journey to find his forever home, was recently featured on Florida’s WPLG ABC 10.
The book, authored by Randy Katz, and charmingly illustrated by Edwin Camacaro, tells the story of Scruffy, a lovable pup who was badly burned and abandoned at a local fire station, and his journey to find a loving home. Along the way, Scruffy teaches readers of all ages the power of kindness and the importance of second chances.
“I wrote Saving Scruffy to inspire children to be kind and to believe in the possibilities of positivity,” the author said. This week, Scruffy's inspirational story and the award-winning children’s book were featured on ABC 10. The author was interviewed about his inspiration for the book and the message he hopes to convey to readers. "My goal in writing this book was to inspire children to be kind, and to understand that no matter how your life starts, everyone deserves a second chance."
The award-winning book can be purchased at and Amazon, where readers can also learn more about the inspiration behind the story and the author’s mission to raise awareness about animal rescue and adoption.
"Saving Scruffy is a book that will resonate with readers of all ages," said the author. "We hope that Scruffy's journey will inspire everyone to make a difference in their communities and never give up on their dreams."
“Saving Scruffy” by Randy Katz ISBN 978-1735663807 (hardcover)
About the Author: Randy Katz is an author, attorney, and law professor. He believes there are many precious dogs, like Scruffy, who need loving homes. Randy hopes his debut book empowers people around the world with positive messages. It remains his highest hope that Scruffy and his positive, uplifting, and unique story inspires children, parents, and adults everywhere to live their lives to the fullest and embrace the joy that life brings through adversity and love.
Frank BelmontBormont Enterprises[email protected]
Saving Scruffy featured on ABC 10 News - South Florida
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