Craig Barr Taylor’s New Book ‘Philius Frog Saves the World’ Is A Fun Fable About A Frog’s Journey To Find A Cure For A Deadly Fungus With The Help Of His Friends

Press Release

Oct 13, 2021

Fulton Books author Craig Barr Taylor, a psychiatrist and a passionate environmentalist, has completed his most recent book “Philius Frog Saves the World”: an exciting tale about a team of incredible frogs who search for a cure to save their species from a deadly fungus.       

He writes, “Philius—a reclusive, NPR-loving, opera-singing frog—lives peacefully in the Sierra Mountain foothills in Calaveras County, California, until he realizes that frogs and toads are dying at an alarming rate from a deadly fungus. With the help of an irascible toad, several young frogs and a human he can talk to, he sets out to find a cure. What he ends up discovering changes his life forever.”

Published by Fulton Books, Craig Barr Taylor’s book, aimed at a mature audience, provides interesting facts about a several frog species and their habitat and incudes beautiful illustrations.   More importantly, the book is lesson of bravery, teamwork, and hope.

Readers who wish to experience this marvelous work can purchase “Philius Frog Saves the World” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Source: Fulton

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