Dorian Heroman’s New Book ‘Lessons in Life’ is a Feel-Good Collection of Life Anecdotes That Hopes to Brighten One’s Day

Press Release

Aug 2, 2022

Fulton Books author Dorian Heroman, a Louisiana native, a licensed civil engineer, has completed his most recent book “Lessons in Life”: a heartwarming piece that recounts the beautiful memories in the author’s life. Stories from his childhood, junior high days, and adulthood fill the pages of this book. Each anecdote ends with a life lesson that will surely put a smile on the reader’s face.

Heroman shares, “In sixth grade, every child was musically tested to try to grow the marching bands in high school. I wanted to play a saxophone. The band directors wanted me to carry a tuba (since I was one of the bigger children). I compromised (to myself) and got a friend in junior high to teach me to play drums whereupon my parents fretted that I would do drugs. I surprised them by playing in rock and roll bands for about seven years. My first big project as a structural engineer was the inner dome to Space Mountain for the Buena Vista Corporation in a place called Kissimmee, Florida. As a project engineer, I learned to coordinate designs for constructors to build. My dad thought I would be an architect since I liked to draw. (In my hometown’s phone directory, there were two pages of architects but only a third of a page of civil-structural engineers. Easy decision.) I have enjoyed stories from firemen I have associated with. They can be very humorous. I have enjoyed Justin Wilson’s stories and Jerry Clower’s funny wit. God bless them. I wish they were still alive so I could autograph my book for them like they did for me. Not that this is on their level, but I try to present my life stories to entertain and just make the reader feel good, have some memories, and smile.”

Published by Fulton Books, Dorian Heroman’s book is a lovely account that reminisces the youthful days of the author. Here, he presented different sides of him and how far he has grown over the years. 

It’s an endearing read about living life and the memorable lessons that come with it.

Readers who wish to experience this lighthearted work can purchase “Lessons in Life” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816. 

Source: Fulton Books

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