People’s Daily Meets With Cherry Huang for Documentary Series
People’s Daily Meets With Cherry Huang for Documentary Series

Press Release

updated: May 12, 2020

​On Nov. 15, 2019, People’s Daily Online West USA met Cherry Huang, Chairman of the New York Youth Enterprise Club and a Chinese American entrepreneur, in Manhattan, New York, as part of a series of documentaries produced by People’s Daily Online West USA about U.S.-China diplomatic relations.

In her story, we can see many Chinese people in miniature. Cherry Huang represents new immigrants who were previously Chinese students studying abroad. As a result of the newly formed diplomatic relations between China and the U.S., Ms. Huang studied overseas in the U.S. and later founded a garment company, working hard in New York. She bucked the “casting couch” and cut a striking figure in the U.S. pension industry, operated by the Jewish Americans, practicing the traditional Chinese culture of “treating the elderly like elderly family members”. While becoming a new immigrant, she showed consideration for others. Ms. Huang told People’s Daily Online West USA, “Who are we exactly?  That also is a question. Which side do we belong to?”

In the documentary, Ms. Huang found her own answer and is very clear about what she wants to do in the future, we also can find her answer through the film.

Wei Deng
Phone: 650.680.6791
Email: [email protected]

Source: People’s Daily Online West USA

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