Canadian Global Health Organization Announces Speaking Tour with Acclaimed Christian Author, Philip Yancey

Canadian Global Health Organization Announces Speaking Tour with Acclaimed Christian Author, Philip Yancey

Christian Author, Philip Yancey

People are often surprised when I tell them that 600 new cases of leprosy are reported each day, and dozens of them are kids.”

— Kim Evans, CEO of Effect Hope

MARKHAM, ON, CANADA, May 29, 2023/ — Effect Hope (The Leprosy Mission Canada) is partnering with acclaimed author Philip Yancey for a speaking tour to raise awareness about people affected by Neglected Tropical Diseases like leprosy. Philip will be speaking at five locations across southern Ontario, in September 2023.

Throughout this event series, Philip will share his insights about what it means to have hope for the future. This is especially relevant in today’s world, which often seems dark and hopeless. He will speak about our human experience in a broken world, as shared in his book, “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: The Marvel of Bearing God’s Image,” co-written with Dr. Paul Brand.

Dr. Brand was a brilliant surgeon for people suffering from leprosy and the former President of The Leprosy Mission International. He was also one of Philip’s personal heroes, who helped to heighten the awareness about this biblical disease that is often overlooked.

Philip Yancey is a best-selling author. His books have garnered 13 Gold Medallion Awards from Christian publishers and booksellers. He currently has more than 15 million books in print, published in over 50 languages worldwide.

“Jesus tells us to ‘care for the least of these,’ but we’re often only concerned with our friends and family,” says Yancey. “When you meet someone unattractive, who is behaving in an unloving, irritating manner – find a way to draw God’s image out from them. As Jesus followers, let’s be known as people of love and compassion.”

“People are often surprised when I tell them that 600 new cases of leprosy are reported each day, and dozens of them are kids,” says Kim Evans, CEO, Effect Hope. “It bothers me that it is 2023 and we are still uncovering new cases each day. But there is hope. Together, we can cure leprosy and end the stigma of having this disease.”

This tour, “Effect Hope presents Philip Yancey: Restoring Hope will take place from September 24 to 28, 2023. For more details and registration, visit our event page or contact Effect Hope at [email protected] or call 1-888-537-7679

To learn more about Philip Yancey visit

Effect Hope (The Leprosy Mission Canada) is a Canadian Christian global health organization that is exclusively focused on serving people affected by neglected tropical diseases like leprosy. Effect Hope partners with national and local governments, healthcare providers and community leaders to improve access to health and wellness services to help people overcome disease, disability, and discrimination. Their work is made possible through collaboration with the Canadian government, foundations, institutions, and generous donations from thousands of Canadians.

Effect Hope’s -Annual Report is available now online at

Anjay Nirula
Effect Hope
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