Children Are Learning Italian with Amazon Titles

Children Are Learning Italian with Amazon Titles

New Amazon title for children to learn Italian.

Giada Learns Italian, one of the Amazon titles for kids looking to enter the Italian language.

This spring and summer, kids 4-to-8 can learn Italian with books available from Amazon.

NEW YORK CITY, NY, USA, May 9, 2023/ — Parents looking for educational tools to help their children learn the Italian language, may want to consider two titles from

One of the more popular Italian language books released recently is Gianna the Rabbit learns Italian: A Heartwarming Story of Family and Language by Italian author Luca Cerbone.

“Being Italian, though I have lived in the United States for several years, I wanted to bring children a story about family traditions, while teaching them some basic Italian words. Gianna the Rabbit accomplishes this.”

A second title that has been gaining popularity for young readers is Giada Learns Italian. According to American author Michael Sedge, “The book was written for my grand-daughter, Giada, who lives in upstate New York. My son was born and raised in Italy, and he wanted a way to help his daughter learn this language. I wrote the book to help him and used her and her Italian cousins as the characters for the book.”

Both books focus on the 4-to-8 year old market. The colorfully illustrated titles, Gianna the Rabbit learns Italian and Giada Learns Italian are available at

Michael Sedge
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