Controversial Novel, The Trial, brings Christopher Hitchens to Debate God’s Existence In the Court of Haven

Controversial Novel, The Trial, brings Christopher Hitchens to Debate God’s Existence In the Court of Haven

The Trial 1

Mark T. Wayne

Mark T. Wayne

IMPERIUM Foundation sponsors the promotion of the book, The Trial—Somnivm Devs: The Satanic Dream

The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to escape finding oneself
in the ranks of the insane.

— Marcus Aurelius

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, June 27, 2023/ —
In a thought-provoking tale, the book “The Trial: SOMNIVM DEVS—The Satanic Dream” delves into the awakening of God after a slumber of 18 billion years, only to encounter a world plagued by violence, desperation, and a perceived lack of faith. What was once a dream of perfection has turned into a nightmarish reality.

As a response to this profound calamity, God’s Conscience initiates a trial in the revered Court of Heaven. In the trial, Adam, God’s first son, and Plato, the renowned Philosopher, come forth to defend God. The Prosecution, conversely, calls upon Rufus, Cicero, and the enigmatic Lucifer as their witnesses. The trial gains intensity as additional witnesses are summoned, including Eve (Adam’s wife), Jesus of Nazareth, St. Augustine, Mark Twain, and the late Christopher Hitchens.

The defense seeks to prove God’s innocence by arguing that the chaos and imperfections of the world are a result of God still being in a state of slumber, thus absolving Him of direct responsibility. Conversely, the prosecution aims to demonstrate, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the universe evolved independently, suggesting that God may not be the sole creator. This raises the question of whether humanity should be left to science and its moral compass or if God will intervene to rectify the disorder that emerged from His nightmare.

“The Trial: SOMNIVM DEVS—The Satanic Dream” invites readers to contemplate the existence of God, the role of divine intervention, and the interplay between faith, science, and the inherent nature of humanity. It offers a unique perspective on the convergence of theology, philosophy, and the human experience.

“HITCHENS: I’m speaking under the hypothesis that God made the universe Religion says that God only produces “good” and that evil is the product of the devil So, in reference to “good” being greater than “evil,” here are some examples to prove the contrary: pain is above pleasure; death is longer than life; youth is short, stupidity is inexhaustible, while intelligence is limited. Where’s the superiority of good in that?

But okay, because I have a good heart and good morals, I’ll be willing to compromise once, and condone the following idea: I’ll accept, devoid of contempt, the idea of a sleeping deity for this trial’s sake who did step out of the scriptures to rest on his Seventh Day after creation and became a victim of his own nightmare.

I’ll go along with that, let’s say, and I’ll postulate for a moment that all of it is true. And I’ll even push it further supposing that we do have an All-Good father who’s even willing to change

everything for the better, to patch up the errors, to redo the blueprint, to redesign the

world for the sake of righteousness. I’ll offer that absurdity for a fact.

But the question is, will He do that?

RUFUS: My question to you is a very important one: in your opinion, is religion God


HITCHENS: Oh no, definitely not. The Being called God is totally dormant; therefore

as good as dead… Religion drowns in errors.

Omar Khayyam’s rubaiyat reflect what I said:

“And do you think that unto such as you,

A maggot-minded, starved, fanatic crew,

God gave the Secret, and denied it me?

Well, well, what matters it! Believe that too.”

Mark T. Wayne is an American novelist, historian, poet, philosopher, ex-Christian Orthodox evangelist, essayist, law expert, and international businessman. He is an apostate and an untiring skeptic with a great appetite for debating gratuitous religious pretense and affectation.

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