Diane Allen of Digestive Distress Solutions to be Featured on Close Up Radio

Diane Allen of Digestive Distress Solutions to be Featured on Close Up Radio

PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, UNITED STATES, June 15, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Our gut health is important to our overall physical health, immunity, and mental well-being. That old adage “You are what you eat,” is literally one of the truest statements ever spoken. Diet and nutrition are an tremendous factor in keeping our gut healthy and happy. If you feel bloated, heartburn, stomach pain, constipation, fatigue, or other discomfort that’s your body telling you, “You’re not in tip top shape and you need to look into it.” However, when you go to the doctor, he will generally write you a prescription to mitigate the pain but he’s not fixing the underlying issues of what’s ailing you. For us to truly heal we need to understand the cause of our illness and that we are creators of our own lives.

Diane Allen is a highly sought after Natural Functional Nutrition Counselor and Health Coach, former critical care nurse, Mindful Eating facilitator, and owner of Digestive Distress Solutions LLC, and the author of It Might Be Your Pancreas: Pancreatitis Awareness and Natural Digestive Recovery Edition.

Diane’s primary focus is in pancreatic health especially for individuals dealing with pancreatitis, caregiver burnout, supermom syndrome, binge eating with depression and anxiety. She also offers virtual, family, and group cooking and coaching sessions.

“As a functional medicine expert, I work with clients to determine the roots of their digestive issues. There is no one diet or lifestyle that works for everyone. Since each and every one of us has unique needs that’s why my step- by -step coaching is designed to support you in your personal journey to a healthier more balanced lifestyle. Even though our dietary needs and nutritional requirements are very individual we should all look at foods that cover all our nutritional bases.”

Consuming unhealthy foods high in saturated and trans fats, sodium, and added sugars like fried foods, soft drinks, meats, pastries, pastries, potato chips, French fries, and dairy are all examples of foods that are linked to obesity and increase our risk of chronic conditions like diabetes, heart and liver disease and cancer. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, leafy greens, and nuts significantly lower our risk of disease and bolster the immune system.

As a coach, Diane advocates for a holistic healthy lifestyle, nutrition, and wellbeing, along with mindful eating habits. Her focus is helping people to not have a dysfunctional relationship with food but rather a positive one as she encourages healthy eating habits. Diane offers her voice of encouragement, validation, and accountability that propels her clients to set achievable goals and a firm action plan.

What many people don’t know, Diane says, is how problems with the pancreas can lead to a host of serious health complications. From breathing problems, allergy issues, malnutrition, thyroid abnormalities, bowel and urinary elimination problems, diabetes, kidney failure, pancreatic and liver dysfunction, pancreatic cancer and many other cancers. She experienced that firsthand on her own journey to health.

Diane grew up in a large traditional Italian family where the culture of food played a tremendous role in her life. Unfortunately, that meant a lot of unhealthy eating from savory pastas like ziti and manicotti to rich desserts including biscotti and Italian cheesecake. Life practically revolved around food. Soon she began struggling with obesity leading to a myriad of health issues that were not only debilitating but life threatening. Not only that, her life’s experiences from the stress of motherhood, being a caregiver to her parents who became sick with cancer, and all the stress took its toll on her mentally and physical, adding to her health problems. Moreover, working as a nurse she became frustrated when she saw how many of these acute and chronically ill patients weren’t getting any healthier because conventional medicine wasn’t addressing the underlying root causes of the surfacing health crisis. When Diane became ill with pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas, it dawned on her that she needed to take charge of her own health. Today, through her coaching, she promotes awareness of the importance of nutrition and exercise and has helped hundreds of individuals to become joyful, healthy, and live their best lives.

Diane wrote a book It Might Be Your Pancreas: Pancreatitis Awareness and Natural Digestive Recovery Edition. It is a must read regarding the importance of gut health and a wake-up call for all of us. It is a life saver of preventing pancreatitis from occurring by taking care of our digestion system through eating nutritional foods and enjoying how delicious they are so it doesn’t have to be a struggle. It is a life saver for the prevention and management of pain and gastrointestinal issues associated to pancreatitis.

“My mindfulness techniques and evidence-based tools can help anyone become active participants in your own care. I guide you to build a healthy relationship with food that meet your unique needs and healthy habits for the long term with proven techniques while thinking like a chef to prepare delicious meals so it doesn’t have to be a struggle, plus they are easy and fun to follow. I am here to support you because you are in the driver’s seat in achieving your health and wellness goals and together, we will achieve the best possible outcome in your journey to feeling, living, and being at your best.”

Close Up Radio will feature Diane Allen in an interview with Jim Masters on Monday June 19th at 1pm EST and with Doug Llewelyn on Monday June 26th at 12pm EST

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio

If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389

For more information, visit https://linktr.ee/dianegrecoallen

Written By: Beatrice Maria Centeno

Lou Ceparano
Close Up Television & Radio
+1 631-850-3314
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/639702403/diane-allen-of-digestive-distress-solutions-to-be-featured-on-close-up-radio