First in the World Bookstore Only for Self-published Authors

First in the World Bookstore Only for Self-published Authors

The Under Covers Bookstore for Self Pub authors

A Global First: World’s First Store for Indie Books! | Hot Off the Press

We’re committed to creating a space where self-published authors receive the recognition and respect they deserve, and where readers can unearth a world of untapped storytelling.”

— Kamelia (Kelly)

BOURNEMOUTH, DORSET, UNITED KINGDOM, January 15, 2024 / — A Revolutionary Haven for Self-Published Authors: The Under Covers Bookstore and Café

The Under Covers Bookstore is leading a literary revolution as the world’s first bookstore only for self-published authors. This venture is aiming to change the publishing landscape, offering a dedicated platform for independent writers to showcase their works, free from the constraints of traditional publishing gatekeepers.

The Under Covers is a beacon of hope for self-published authors, providing a space where their voices can be heard and celebrated. This concept is set to transform the future of storytelling, offering a platform for independent voices often eclipsed in a market dominated by major publishing houses. With its forward-thinking approach, The Under Covers is poised to become a central hub for literary discovery and the championing of undiscovered authors.

A New Chapter in Publishing

Situated in Bournemouth, The Under Covers is not merely a bookstore or café; it’s a movement towards a more inclusive and diverse literary landscape. “Our aim is to level the playing field,” states Kamelia (Kelly), the visionary behind this project. “We’re committed to creating a space where self-published authors receive the recognition and respect they deserve, and where readers can unearth a world of untapped storytelling.”

The Vision Behind the Movement

In the conventional publishing realm, many independent authors struggle to gain visibility. The Under Covers aspires to alter this narrative, offering a beacon of hope to these creative spirits. The dream is expansive: commencing from the UK and branching out to the United States and further, the objective is to establish a chain of stores synonymous with self-published success.

Why It Matters

Supporting The Under Covers means championing creative independence and authenticity in storytelling. It’s about celebrating literary diversity and giving a voice to those who might otherwise remain unheard. “Every backer is not just investing in a store; they’re elevating a community of writers, endorsing the freedom of creativity, where the authors dictate how the story unfolds, free from formulaic constraints,” Kelly emphasises.

Otty, the Mascot

Symbolising the essence of The Under Covers is Otty, a mascot created by Marshall, aged 10, and named by Ashley, aged 8. Otty embodies the joy and creativity at the core of this endeavour, representing the communal and familial spirit of the project.

How to Get Involved

Support on Social Media: A straightforward way to support The Under Covers is by following on social media. Share the posts, like the content, and spread the word about this unique literary revolution. Doing so helps increase The Under Covers’ visibility and reach a broader audience.

Visit The Under Covers Website: For those desiring a more active role, visit The Under Covers website. Discover more about their mission, upcoming events, and how to contribute to the cause. “Whether it’s through donations, participating in our events, or spreading the word, every bit of support counts.”

Support via IndieGogo: The fundraising starts on the 17th of January, 2024 and ends in March, 2024.

For Indie Authors: If an independent author is eager to join this literary revolution, The Under Covers warmly welcomes all to submit their books for consideration. Being part of The Under Covers means gaining a platform to showcase their work and connecting with readers passionate about independent storytelling.

“It doesn’t matter which part of the world you are in – we welcome everyone!”

Visit their website for submission guidelines and be part of this exciting movement.

“Your involvement, whether as a supporter, follower, or contributing author, is invaluable to the success of The Under Covers. Join us in making history and supporting the rich, diverse world of self-published literature.”

The Future is Bright

With plans to open their store in Bournemouth, the project paves the way for a new chapter in publishing history. The Under Covers is a revolution, a community, and a testament to the power of self-published authors.

For more information on The Under Covers Bookstore and Café Only for Self Published Authors and to support this groundbreaking initiative, visit The Under Covers Website and follow their journey on social media.

Kamelia Dimchev
The Under Covers
+44 20 3897 9728
[email protected]
Visit us on social media:

The Under Covers – Bookstore Only for self-published authors

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