Friday Fright Nights: Watch the horror film Cram right here!

The free movie we have as this week’s Friday Fright Nights feature is the horror film Cram. Check it out right here!

A full Free Movie of the Day is posted on the JoBlo Horror Movies YouTube channel every other day during the week – but on Fridays things get even freakier and a little more fun. Get your weekend started the right way by indulging in Friday Fright Nights! Every Friday, we’ll be taking a look at another genre movie you can watch in its entirety, free of charge, either on the YouTube channel linked above or in the video embed here.

Most of us have probably had the experience of cramming a lot of studying into a short period of time – and writer/director Abie Sidell has turned the mind-breaking anxiety of a cram session into a full-blown horror story with his movie that is appropriately titled Cram. The story begins with a young man embarking on a cram session in the library… and things get quite strange from there. Has the young man actually broken his brain by trying to take in all of this information, or is there a supernatural force at work in the library? Well, you’re going to have to watch the movie to find out for sure.

I’m not going to give the answer to the question, but I will say that the movie reaches a whole other level of entertainment when an oddball character called The Master of the Books shows up on screen. I could take or leave the movie up to that point, but the arrival of The Master of the Books made me glad I was watching it.

Friday Fright Nights Cram

Cram has the following synopsis: We all do what we gotta do to pass – except Marc. Desperate to somehow finish his final final paper, he struggles to cram all night in the library. But the library has other plans for him.

The film stars John DiMino, Carolina Do, Rolando Chusan, Tobias Arizio, Patrick Ball, Jane Bradley, Joel Brody, Cooper Cooper, Conrado Falco III, Madeline Seidman, Sajda Waite, Matthew Elijah Webb, and Marc Winski, with Brandon Burton as The Master of the Books.

Cram marks the feature directorial debut of Sidell… but some may argue that this doesn’t actually count as a feature, since it has a running time of just 45 minutes. That is cutting it a bit short, so I’ll leave it up to individual viewers to decide whether or not Cram should be considered a feature. One thing’s for sure, it’s not much of a time investment for the person watching.

So take a look at Cram – it’s free! – and let us know what you thought of it by leaving a comment below or on the YouTube page.

Cram Friday Fright Nights

Originally published at