Coping With Life’s Uncontrollable Ups and Downs: Writings by Late Psychotherapist May Offer a Measure of Help

The late author and scholar Dr. Pieter Noomen wrote at length about how to approach the ups and downs of life in a way that doesn’t lead to high anxiety.

Minister and licensed psychotherapist Dr. Pieter Noomen

Minister and licensed psychotherapist Dr. Pieter Noomen

Dr. Pieter Noomen wrote at length on the subject of coping with realities that no single individual can change.

A smile won’t prevent wars, sickness or what negative forces put you through. But what it does is reaffirm in you that you’re on the right track … it is a sign of living in life’s real flow.”

— Dr. Pieter Noomen

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, May 2, 2023/ — Navigating the juggernaut of hyperbole and baseless hysteria on social media — and even in the aisles of the supermarket — can be anxiety-inducing for many. The late psychotherapist Dr. Pieter Noomen wrote at length about how to approach the ups and downs of life in a way that doesn’t lead to high anxiety, and he shares his insights on his website,

“Any misery you may have to go through during your life is no laughing matter,” he wrote. “A smile won’t prevent wars, sickness or what negative forces put you through. But what it does is reaffirm in you that you’re on the right track; maybe slowly … meaning, it is a sign of living in life’s real flow, which only increases in strength.”

Dr. Noomen, who died in 2019, worked as a psychotherapist and staff member at a Los Angeles church, completed doctoral studies in theology and pastoral psychology at the Free University of Amsterdam, and became senior minister of three Protestant churches. He wrote about a more peaceful approach to life’s realities on his website,, using words he believed were given to him by what he called a Presence, a higher being or the Real Reality.

He quoted that Real Reality thusly: “I present you with information about the real world. Regardless of what you see. Seeing or experiencing My presence in the midst of darkness is your life’s summit. Your makers will do anything to have you preoccupied with catering to externals. They suggest that one day wars, sickness, fear, conflicts or poverty can be halted. This feeds into their illusions of a universe without any personal closeness to Me.

“Much on earth can disintegrate right in front of your eyes,” Dr. Noomen added, again quoting that Real Reality. “Nothing seems forever. Nature can destroy. People do so in wars. In minds, falsity can reign. Bodies decay. It happens to you sooner or later. Earth as such has no future, nor do its products. Yet what I tell you is of an exuberant nature; it has flashes of normality flare up. When in My presence, you get a sense of the awesome depth of My nature in all. It can trigger the desire to sign up for fully being part of the universe performing.”

Feel free to take a look at the myriad topics on Dr. Noomen’s website at

An example of Dr. Noomen’s “Wisdoms of the Week” from that website:

(This is) From someone who doesn’t consider himself to be any wiser than you readers probably are. The secret is that I don’t create wisdom. It’s given to me on my deepest spiritual level. Like my other body-parts know how to function, so my brains do — if I let them. In other words, it is given to us by the core spirit of all being: by the One Who Is the Life Force in everything. We on earth are clearly badly disconnected from that Source. Yet, as this website shows, not completely. Direct contact is possible if we want it. It enables us to see the truth and to share its wisdom. This comes from being a genuine and caring person.”

Gloria Gonzalez
Ascot Media Group, Inc.
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