Factbites Publishes Insights on Ways Product Managers and Product Marketers Can Learn From Each Other

DETROIT, MICHIGAN, UNITED STATES, May 23, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Product team members all have an instrumental role to play when it comes to developing products and bringing them to market. Product managers and product marketers are notably intertwined when it comes to product success, as they work closely together from concept through launch.

Rather than working on individual pieces of the product development lifecycle, each person can learn and collaborate to improve the final outcome. This new article from Factbites uncovers three things product managers and product marketers can learn from each other during the product development lifecycle.

Product managers and product marketers have the opportunity to effectively pool their knowledge and resources to maximize efficiency and take the product to new heights by utilizing shared insights.

“As a product marketer, one of the most effective things I’ve seen work when working with a product manager who has not collaborated with a product marketer before is to not just ask them to include you in conversations with clients, but to find ways to add value to the work they’re already doing,” said Jaime Singson, a product and marketing executive based in New York. “For example, if they’re running a Beta program, help project manage the program and recruit candidates; schedule the meetings with clients so that both you and the Product Manager can hit each of your customer research goals with one client meeting.”

Forging a long-term partnership between product managers and product marketers ensures not only continued efficiency in the product development lifecycle but it fosters an environment to collaboratively launch a product that exceeds original projections and expectations. Singson explores two additional ways product managers and product marketers can build and utilize that partnership.

To access the recently published article, please click here.

Kane Carpenter
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/635406859/factbites-publishes-insights-on-ways-product-managers-and-product-marketers-can-learn-from-each-other