Jody Mortara’s Chocolate Covered Caper Surpasses Expectations

Faith seeks answers

the sisters adventure begins

driving to a sweet chocolate revenge

After a chaotic adventure, Faith opens the bakery with her sister.

Faith has the winning recipe

Jody Mortara adds Cannes nomination to her Five wins for this gooey chocolate comedy.

It was absolutely a startler; it’s got so many subconscious layers to it that you can’t stop thinking about it. It’s a masterpiece. Everyone has to see this film.”

— David the Memory Guy

ENCINO, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, February 23, 2024 / — JODY MORTARA, starring as Faith Appletree, and the winner of five awards for her heart warming, chocolate covered comedy -“COCOA”, has just been nominated for the prestigious CANNES ARTS FILM AWARD!

This heart warming female comedy of two contentious sisters, when forced to live together, bumble their way into the creation of a revolutionary chocolate cake that makes anyone lose weight, was written by Mortara!

And, with this being her first ever screenplay, which led to the unexpected win for her script in the ACCOLADE’S FILM AWARD as the MERIT OF HONOR recipient, brought the realization that this chocolate covered adventure had something for everyone.

The age old story of two lovable but at odds sisters seemed to resonate with a large audience. Years of these sisters competing, and now being forced to live together, swirled the duos’ creative juices to invent this chocolate cake that turns an entire town upside down. One sticky encounter after another adds to the twists and turns of this hilarious family comedy inviting the viewer to try and crack the code of this sweet caper.

“Cocoa” is a deliciously blended treat from the mind of Jody Mortara and has surpassed all expectations to become more than a comedy – it is a testament to the power of family, resilience, and the enduring bond between sisters.

As a first time director (along with her co-director Joe Gawalis), Mortara is honored to have won the awards as Best Indie film, Best female film, Best comedy (twice) and Best screenplay and now Cocoa is up for the Cannes Arts Film Award.

Cocoa is streaming now on Amazon Prime, Tubi, apple+ and Google play. Jody invites the audience to step into this unusual world and connect the dots of this twisting story line that will ultimately culminate in an unexpected yet fulfilling ending.

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Cocoa trailer

Jody Mortara
Cocoa The Film LLC
+1 818-679-0087
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Cocoa trailer

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