Retired Teacher and Coach Publishes Book Chronicling His Saudi Arabian Adventure During the First Gulf War

Retired Teacher and Coach Publishes Book Chronicling His Saudi Arabian Adventure During the First Gulf War

Sam Bell’s “Saudi Adventure” is a comedic novel that takes readers back to the early 1990s during the first Gulf War.

DALLAS, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, May 8, 2023/ — Dallas, TX – Retired teacher and coach, Samuel Bell, has published a comedic novel titled “Saudi Adventure,” which takes readers on a journey back to the early 1990s during the first Gulf War. The book is a reflection of Bell’s personal experiences as a U.S. Army Reserve Unit member activated and sent to Saudi Arabia.

“Saudi Adventure” is a story that chronicles the daily life of a U.S. Army Reserve Unit preparing for war and their experiences in Saudi Arabia. The book also highlights the love story that develops between two reservists, which adds a unique twist to the story. Readers will experience the humor and camaraderie that exists among the soldiers as they navigate the challenges of serving in a foreign country.

Bell’s personal experiences during the Gulf War inspired him to write this book. During his active duty as an Army Reservist, Bell kept a running account of daily occurrences in camp, which he later turned into this book. The author hopes that readers will take away two primary messages from “Saudi Adventure.” The first being that life is what you make it, and the second being the acknowledgement of fear.

Bell is a retired teacher and coach who graduated from Stephen F. Austin University in 1982 with a teacher’s certification in Speech Communication and Physical Education. He spent 10 years in the U.S. Army Reserves, including serving during the first Gulf War. Bell retired from teaching in 2016.

“Samuel Bell’s ‘Saudi Adventure’ is a humorous and inspiring novel that will take readers on a journey back in time to the early 1990s during the first Gulf War. We are excited to see the book hit the shelves and inspire readers to overcome challenges and fears,” said the publisher.

“Saudi Adventure” is available for purchase on major online retailers and can be ordered through local bookstores. For more information on the book and the author, please visit the author’s website.

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Samuel Bell on The Spotlight Network TV with Logan Crawford

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