The Maverick Band Supporting HRH Prince William’s ambition to end homelessness

The Maverick Band Supporting HRH Prince William’s ambition to end homelessness

The Maverick Band

Christmas is Coming / A Lonely Homeless Christmas (Double A-Side)

Track Title: Christmas is Coming / A Lonely Homeless Christmas (Double A-Side)
Genre: Pop / Festive
Launch Date: 25th November 2023

EAST SUSSEX, ENGLAND, November 22, 2023 / — John Cristal, The Maverick Band’s singer-songwriter says “I originally wrote a cheerful, very family-orientated Christmas song called Christmas is Coming. The song is about all the things families typically do in the run up to Christmas. However, having written that song and subsequently reading about the homelessness campaign that HRH Prince William has recently initiated, I felt very strongly that there should be a song to support such a worthy project, especially when you read the shocking statistics!”.

John went on to say “I did a lot of research in order to appreciate the different aspects of homelessness – that was a real an eye-opener and quite upsetting! The song is titled A Lonely Homeless Christmas.”.

“We’ve decided to launch both Christmas songs simultaneously as a Double A-Side to help reinforce the extreme polarised positions between a very happy, cheerful household and a very lonely, homeless person, at Christmas. We hope radio stations will lend their support to this initiative and play the Christmas is Coming first followed immediately by the A Lonely Homeless Christmas to maximise the effect and emotional impact.” added John.

Contact The Maverick Band at [email protected] and please mention Radio Pluggers!

ISRC Codes:

Christmas is Coming (MP3 / WAV) GXBDY2300005 / GXBDY2300006, A Lonely Homeless Christmas (MP3 / WAV) GXBDY2300010 / GXBDY2300011.

David Wiltsher
Radio Pluggers
+ +44 7552 531612
email us here

Originally published at